I haven’t always been a Financial Broker.
I spent the first 20 years of my career helping people get out of pain using ergonomics + movement. I have a knack for seeing the big picture, which helped my clients move forward in a way they hadn’t been able to previously.
For some, it's hard to connect the dots behind my switch from Kinesiologist to Financial Broker, and when you hear my story, you’ll see its not as big of a leap as it first might seem.
Newly graduated and totally broke, making a very small salary, I immersed myself in any book I could get my hands on about building and protecting wealth. I didn’t talk about it, because…well, it wasn’t exactly a popular topic amongst 21-year old women. And…I was taught NOT to talk about money with friends.
Just a few short years later, in 2005, my nephew was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer, which required his family to leave our community for treatment. It became clear to me, how just one unpredictable circumstance, can massively erode a family’s financial health, which in many cases, ends up being unrecoverable. The last thing anybody needs when navigating the ill health, or death of a loved one, is additional financial stress.
In an attempt to distract myself during this time, and learn how to avoid financial distress during any of the curveballs that life could throw my way, I spent four evenings a week at the University taking continuing education courses on estate planning, taxation, investments, and insurance.
While I didn’t transition into the financial industry at that time, I used this knowledge to start to protect + build my own wealth. This knowledge served me well as I made the transition from an employee with benefits + pension, to a sole-proprietor. It helped again when I formed a corporation, developed multiple revenue streams, and became a real estate investor.
In 2020, I was so grateful for decisions that I had made in the past. Again, I saw how an unpredictable set of circumstances could have a massive negative impact on people’s financial health. My financial flexibility allowed me to navigate three years of fluctuation without incurring debt, or jeopardizing our path for financial freedom.
After entering a year long business mentorship, it became apparent that the passion I’d once held for educating people about movement and getting out of physical pain had transferred to educating people about financial literacy and helping them get out of financial pain.
It was time to make a change…..
An incredible opportunity presented itself, and I found myself earning my licenses while being fully supported in an apprenticeship with a senior financial broker.
It has surprised me how good it feels to help families in this way. The impact I can have, by empowering women to understand how money and debt works in Canada, and the trickle down effect that it has on future generationss brings me to tears.
When good people have more money, magic happens.
I love making this topic approachable. With me, you will find a safe and inviting environment to ask questions and learn how to best protect your income, and grow your wealth. This can be a vulnerable conversation, and I deeply value the trust my clients have in me.